etc.|etc in English

adverb etc. (etcetera)

and so on, and so forth

Use "etc.|etc" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "etc.|etc" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "etc.|etc", or refer to the context using the word "etc.|etc" in the English Dictionary.

1. Electorates, Archbishopricks, Landgravates, etc, etc

2. _L to do ail kinds of work in I Prepared by GIN REPAIRING, —such as making— Brush Wheels, Boxing, Saws, New Gudgeons, putting on New’ Breastings, Etc., Etc., Etc

3. Etc, etc Will you quit your Bellyaching? #winge #whinge #moan #complain #bitch

4. And Anne, you seem to think Arabs 'Abridge' the human rights of Jews, a month after Israel killed 1300 Palestinians, maimed thousands more, refuses to lift the blockade etc etc etc

5. The instruments are loud enough that they can be heard without amplification, etc., etc.

6. Infinity Loadings when fast travelling or entering or exiting the Bannered mare, etc etc.

7. Since you already figured out my gait, taste in perfume etc. etc. from the last time...

8. They were the people who believed in peace and the possibilities of it, etc., etc. -- and they made it real.

9. Users need to be able to control their listings, add, remove, change, make rollover, add time scales, dates, locations. etc etc.

10. Cum multis Aliis quæ nunc perscribere longum est: with many other matters that it would be tedious now to write in full (i.e., etc., etc., etc.) de multis grandis acervus erit: out of many things a great heap will be formed (Ovid) de omni re scibili et quibusdam Aliis

11. The world according to Sid Langley "We get the cash the 20th time that a newspaper starts a story 'Coventry are set to miss out on a cash windfall' and the rest of the article Blithers on about England call-ups, injury jinxes, most promising young keeper in the country, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc.

12. Well, there won't be any fish except for minnows, and the water will be pretty dirty, and all those kinds of things and full of mercury, etc., etc.

13. Amino-Acid Aporrhegma Alanine EthylAmine Pheny1-alanine Pheny1-ethy1amine Tyrosine (Hydroxyphenyl)ethylamine,Tyramine Tryptophane Indol-ethylamine Histidine Imidazolyl-ethylamine,Histamine Arginine lysine Tetramethylenediamine,Putreseineand Guanidine-butylamine,Agmatine Pentamethylenediamine,Cadaverine Leucine Isoamylamine etc.,etc.

14. Well, of course, because she's forced into it because she doesn't have any better option, etc., etc. And if we could just teach her to sew and get her a nice job in a factory, all would be well.

15. The Canoodler like my other designs, it's never been printed, i think at this point, i'm just designing, and redesigning for the sake of doing something when i get bored Use at your own risk, no warantee, no garantee etc etc.

16. Backsheesh!, , or Life and adventures in the Orient : with descriptive and humorous sketches of sights and scenes over the Atlantic, down the Danube, through the Crimea, in Turkey, Greece, Asia-Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, up the Nile, in Nubia, and equatorial Africa, etc., etc

17. Yes! My Binging pattern is exactly the same! There are so many physical and psychological reasons why we resort to Binging after restricting for so long; we've starved and deprived ourself for so long, it's a way of rebelling against the eating disorder, punishing ourselves, etc, etc.

18. “By this time there is hardly a newspaper of any sort or description in the country that has not carried one or more spiteful articles denouncing Jehovah’s witnesses as ‘fifth columnists financed by foreign capital,’ ‘an advance guard of Communism,’ ‘false prophets,’ ‘enemies of the state and society,’ etc., etc., using all the usual epithets.